Pray and be alone with God.
"Pray after this manner : Our Father in heaven, may Your Name be hallowed, may Your Kingdom come, may Your Will be done : as in heaven, so in earth "
MATTHEW 6:9-10
The kind of prayer which is not acceptable to the Lord MATTHEW 6:5,7: a prayer to be seen of men
Don't pray for our own needs met
The kind of prayer which is acceptable . The Lord Jesus is not giving us a prayer to repeat word for word.
He gives us a pattern , a prototype , a foundation of all prayers by saying :
Pray after this manner or pray along theses lines.
At once we are lifted up from the earthly situation and are made to focus upon Heavenly Father: A HEAVENLY KINGDOM AND A HEAVENLY WILL
When we pray after this manner, we are transported and elevated beyond flesh-and-blood, beyond the natural, beyond the earthly , beyond the seen-and-felt universe in which we live.