Sound of the Shofar:
feast of trumpets
This is will be the call for the rapture for a Holy bride
Fainganà ajoroy ny faneva ry tanoran i Jerosalema!
Virjiny 5 hendry nanomana solika soa
Virjiny 5 adala tsy nanomanà solika soa
Matio 25: 7-12
Jesus Christ our Lord warns us:
the church age come to an end
Religion are not talking about last days
Time is nearer.
Let's finish race
The SHOFAR is getting ready to sound
Que Jésus Christ soit glorifié!
Que Jésus soit exalté!
Toute la gloire est à Jésus!
Chip Brogden / in "The school of Christ"
Éphésiens 1:3
Tout ce que nous avons et sommes en tant que chrétiens est basé sur notre union avec le Christ.
En de dehors de Lui, nous n'avons rien et nous ne sommes rien.
Mais en Lui nous sommes bénis avec toutes les bénédictions spirituelles.
Pensez à la conclusion à laquelle cela nous mène.
C'est vrai, Nous avons peu de choses à demander à Dieu mais beaucoup de raisons de Le louer.
Dans notre vie chrétienne, aujourd'hui nous demandons de la patience, et demain nous demanderons à nouveau, et le jour suivant nous devrons à nouveau demander. Il en est ainsi avec la paix, la joie la victoire, et tout le reste.
Au final nous devons apprendre que nous AVONS DÉJÀ TOUT EN CHRIST.
Où et quand a-t-il fait cela ?Merci Seigneur. Cela s'est réalisé au moment où nous avons reçu Christ, et où nous sommes entrés en Lui comme notre TOUT EN TOUS.
Dieu veut que nous Le recherchions d'abord Lui et non Ses choses. Pour Lui, il n'y a pas de choses car elles sont TOUTES COMPRISES EN CHRIST.
C'est à nouveau l'extrême valeur du Seigneur Jésus et le fait qu'il soit si précieux qui occupe notre esprit ici.
Les bénédictions spirituelles sont toutes réunies en Christ. En ayant le Fils nous avons tout ce qui appartient au Fils. Amen! Merci Seigneur
"Lui, qui n'a point épargné son propre Fils, mais qui L'a livré pour nous tous, comment ne nous donnera-t-Il pas aussi toutes choses avec Lui? "
Romains 8:32
Jésus dit que le Royaume de Dieu est comme un homme qui a trouvé un trésor caché dans un camp. Rempli de joie, il a vendu tout ce qu'il possédait, et il a acheté le champ.
La clé de cette parabole est celle-ci: celui qui possède le champ possède tout ce qui est dans le champ, il ne s'agit pas de gagner individuellement chaque pièce d'argent, mais de gagner le champ. Une fois que nous avons le champ, nous avons le trésor.
L'Ecriture dit qu'en Christ sont cachés:
"Tous les trésors de la sagesse et de la connaissance"Colossiens 2:3
"Les bénédictions spirituelles dans les lieux célestes" Ephésiens 1:3
"Toute la plénitude de Dieu" Colossiens 2:9
Puisque cela est vrai, nous maintenons devant Dieu que son Don pour nous est Christ, et c'est dans la mesure du Seigneur Jésus que nous serons satisfaits spirituellement.
Nous trouverons la plénitude dans le Fils.
Imaginez la vanité de penser qu'il faille aller ici ou là-bas pour recevoir quelque chose de Dieu
(comme des bénédictions, une parole , une onction...) alors que nous avons déjà tout ce qu'il a.
J'irais même jusqu'à dire que si nous connaissons l'inestimable valeur du Seigneur Jésus, nous ne demanderons plus à Dieu quoi que ce soit.
Celui qui doit demander à Dieu
"des choses"n'a pas encore complètement apprécié le trésor qu'il a déjà en Christ.
En nous donnant Son Fils, Il nous a, en réalité et en fait, tout donné gratuitement.
Quand l'homme possède ce que Dieu aime le plus, il possède tout ce que Dieu a.
C'est pour cela que je dis que nous n'avons que peu de choses à DEMANDER à Dieu, mais beaucoup de raisons de Le LOUER/ parce qu'en CHRIST, Dieu nous a gratuitement tout donné.
Fiainana be dia be
"Ny mpangalatra tsy avy raha tsy hangalatra sy hamono sy handringana; Izaho avy mba hananany fiainana, sady hanany be dia be"
Jaona 10:10
Ny fanambarana ny amin i Jesosy
Gift of Jesus
Chip Brogden/ in "the school of Christ"
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ
Ephesians 1:3
All we have and that we are as christians is based upon our union with Christ.
Apart from Him, we have nothing, and we are nothing.
But in Him we are blessed with every spiritual blessing.
But in Him we are blessed with every spiritual blessing.
Think upon the ramifications of that.
This is true then we have very little to ask God for, and very much to praise God about.
In our christian life, today we ask for patience, and tomorrow we ask again, and the day after that we have to ask yet again. So it is with peace, joy, victory , and everything else.
Eventually we must learn that we have EVERYTHING IN CHRIST already.
However many there may be , we have them all.
Where and how has He done this?
Thank God, it was done the moment we received Christ and entered into Him as our ALL in ALL,
God would have us seek Him first , and not His things .
To Him there is no "thing", for they are all summed up into Christ.
Again, it is the preciousness and extreme worth and value of the Lord Jesus that we have in mind here.
May we see before God that God's Gift is Christ.
Spiritual blessings we can obtain from God are all found in Christ.
Having the Son we have all that pertains to the Son.
"If God did not spare His own Son, but freely delivered Him over to death on our behalf, how will He not also, with Him, freely give us all things ?"
Romans 8:32
Jesus says the Kingdom of God is like a man who fund treasure buried in a field. With great joy he went out , sold all his possessions, and purchased that field. The point of the parable is this:the one who owns the field possesses all that lies buried within the field.
It is not a matter of getting the individual pieces of treasure, but of gaining the field. Once we have the field , we have the treasure.
The Scriptures tell us that hidden in Christ are
"all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" Colossians 2:3
"every spiritual blessing"
"Ephesians 1:3,
"all the fullness of God " Colossians 1:19.
Since this is the truth, we maintain before God that His Gift to us is Christ,
and the extent that we appreciate the value and preciousness of the Lord Jesus, to that same extent will we be satisfied spiritually.
We will find fullness in the Son.
Imagine the vanity of thinking we have to get "here" or "there" to get something from God such as a "blessing "a "word", an "anointing"...When we already have everything He has.
I will go so far as to say that when we know the preciousness and costliness of the Lord Jesus we will not ask God for anything else.
The one who must ask God for "things " has not yet fully appreciated the treasure he has in Christ already.
The Father, wishing to demonstrate His great love for us, has not given us parts and pieces of things, but has sacrificed His only Son. Amen! Merci Seigneur!
By giving us His Son, He has, in essence and in fact, freely given us everything . Thank you my Lord!
When man possesses what God loves most, he owns everything God has.
This is why I say we have little else to ASK God for, but much to PRAISE Him about: for IN CHRIST, God has freely given us all things .
May we see before God that God's Gift is Christ.
Spiritual blessings we can obtain from God are all found in Christ.
Having the Son we have all that pertains to the Son.
"If God did not spare His own Son, but freely delivered Him over to death on our behalf, how will He not also, with Him, freely give us all things ?"
Romans 8:32
Jesus says the Kingdom of God is like a man who fund treasure buried in a field. With great joy he went out , sold all his possessions, and purchased that field. The point of the parable is this:the one who owns the field possesses all that lies buried within the field.
It is not a matter of getting the individual pieces of treasure, but of gaining the field. Once we have the field , we have the treasure.
The Scriptures tell us that hidden in Christ are
"all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" Colossians 2:3
"every spiritual blessing"
"Ephesians 1:3,
"all the fullness of God " Colossians 1:19.
Since this is the truth, we maintain before God that His Gift to us is Christ,
and the extent that we appreciate the value and preciousness of the Lord Jesus, to that same extent will we be satisfied spiritually.
We will find fullness in the Son.
Imagine the vanity of thinking we have to get "here" or "there" to get something from God such as a "blessing "a "word", an "anointing"...When we already have everything He has.
I will go so far as to say that when we know the preciousness and costliness of the Lord Jesus we will not ask God for anything else.
The one who must ask God for "things " has not yet fully appreciated the treasure he has in Christ already.
The Father, wishing to demonstrate His great love for us, has not given us parts and pieces of things, but has sacrificed His only Son. Amen! Merci Seigneur!
By giving us His Son, He has, in essence and in fact, freely given us everything . Thank you my Lord!
When man possesses what God loves most, he owns everything God has.
This is why I say we have little else to ASK God for, but much to PRAISE Him about: for IN CHRIST, God has freely given us all things .
Apprécions ce Don unique de Dieu qu'est Christ. Nous avons toutes les raisons d'adorer notre Père céleste, de le louer.
Glorifions Dieu! Alléluia
Le don de Christ est un sujet d'adoration, de rendre grâce à Dieu à tout moment
Que Dieu illumine les yeux de notre cœur pour que nous sachions combien est grand ce DON DE CHRIST POUR NOUS et que nous lui soyons reconnaissants dans l'obéissance, dans la piété, dans une sainte crainte de Dieu. Amen!
Méditez et Priez avec ces versets sans la foi , proclamez-les
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Mbola hitohy
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Maranatha ! Avia Jesosy Tompo!