"After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air .And so we will be with the Lord forever "
1Thesalonians 4:17
"Veillez donc, car vous ne savez pas quand le maitre de la maison viendra, ou le soir, ou à minuit ,ou au chant du coq ou le matin
De peur qu'en arrivant tout à coup il ne vous trouve endormis
Or, ce que je vous dis , je le dis à tous: Veillez"
Marc 13:35-37
Abba Cher Père , nous Te bénissons, Tu es notre Créateur,
Nous Te rendons grâce pour le DON de Christ , sans qui nous ne sommes rien et nous ne pouvons rien
Merci Père car Tu nous fais prendre conscience de l'heure qu'il est: L'heure est grave
Œuvre puissamment en chacun de nous par Christ Yeshoua qui est l'holocauste complet pour notre salut
" Or, c'est par Lui que vous êtes en Jésus-Christ, qui nous a déjà fait de la part de Dieu , sagesse, justice , sanctification et rédemption" 1Corinth 1:30
Donne un esprit de sagesse et de révélation pour Te connaitre et aussi pour marcher selon Ta volonté
Seigneur agis puissamment chez les incrédules et le endurcis, et les captifs des dénominations religieuses parmi nos proches
Que nous soyons les ambassadeurs de CHRIST YESHOUA dans ce temps de début de détresse et que des personnes puissent être sauvés en vivant sous la Seigneurie de Christ, dans la soumission , dans l'obéissance pour entrer dans l'arche au dernier moment
Que nous ayons de grandes réserves remplis d'huile d'olives concassées dans nos vases : repentance sincère, brisement, sanctification, il est presque minuit : Voici l'Epoux
Nous voulons faire partie des PREMICES pour Te réjouir Abba Père et la joie de l'Agneau
Nous T'en prions dans le puissant de Yéshoua, qui est plein de compassion, de miséricorde. Amen !
Christ et l'Eglise= Epoux et Epouse dans une relation intime
Ayons une relation intime
avec notre époux divin
" Alors je leur dirai ouvertement : Je ne vous ai jamais connus ; retirez - vous de moi, vous qui faites métier d'iniquité " Matthieu 7:21-23
Dans ce passage, il est question de serviteurs zélés certainement au service de leur église mais le Seigneur leur dit ouvertement qu'il ne les a jamais connus parce qu'ils n'ont pas de relation intime avec le Seigneur . Ils étaient au service de leur église, de leur dénomination, ce qui leur, parait, juste, sage
The most comprehensive and informative treaties on the Rapture of the christian Church and the physical ressurrection of believers who have died in Christ , is found in this fifteenth chapter of Corinthians
Paul found it necessary to confirm the certainty of our bodily ressurection , and refute sceptics who refuse to believe in a physical ressurrection .
He detailed Christ's own glorious resurrection from the dead , and meticulously described what will take place when the dead in Christ raise from their graves at the return of the Jesus Christ in the clouds , for His Church
We discover that the foundational law of God's universe, where the spiritual follow the natural , are maintained at the resurrection of the dead.
Just as a physical being comes before a spiritual being and a natural birth must precede a spiritual birth, so our bodily resurrection must take place before our spiritual resurection
Jesus was the first fruit from the dead . He was the very first member of a next race of people Who would rise to life immortal
Paul explains that the physical resurrection of the dead in Christ whose decomposing bodies are lying in the cold , dank earth , are returned to life in split- second , in a moment of time, which the apostles describe as the twinkling of an eye: At that very moment , dead Christians will be raised with in corruptible bodies, wich will be like the resurrected body of the Lord Jesus
Christ was raised with a body of flesh and bone , because the blood was shed at Calvary to pay the price for our sin, and in like manner we will also be raised bodies of flesh and bone- for when we sse Him we shall be like HIM
However, instead of bllod pulsing through our bodies to energise us with life , it is the Spirit of God Who will enliven our resurrected bodies with His eternal , in breathed life breath
We have been told exactky what to expect when this church age closes and we reach that moment when Christians will go to be with the LORD.
God has designated that those in their graves will be raised into life - immortal first and immediatley thereafter , the living saints will also be cha,ged into eternel beings .
And both living and resurrected saints will be RAPTURED into heavens together . Paul describes this progression of events as a mystery and indded , it is wonderful
Although physical death in an inevitable consequence of fallen man , the astonishing truth is that not all Christians die ; for the return of Christ for His Church , the trump of God will sound and the physical bodies of livind saints will be changed into immortal bodie, while the decomposing corpses of those who have died in Christ will be raised up with an incorruptible body .
All this will take place quickly : " in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump of God
Praise His Holy name
My prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wonderful plan of redemption .
Thank you by faith in Christ , I am part of that new creation who will be changed in a moment , in the twinkling of an eye , when the last trump of God wakes the dead in Christ and we are all clothed with incorruptible bodies.
Thank You that Jesus is the First fruit from the dead and because He live; we too shall live
Than You that by HIs sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection , death is swallowed up in victory .
Thanks be to God who always gives resurrected victoy , through Jesus Christ Our Lord
Maranatha ! Come Lord Jesus ! Amen
Knowing Jesus
A écouter absolument, à la 32.33 33ème minute. Le Yom Teruah est toujours un mercredi